Get rid of your nasty blackheads today with these multiple steps that ensure success!
Everyone suffers from blackheads, even if they do not have bad or even mild acne. Blackheads normally form around the nose, chin, and cheeks. Blackheads form because the oil hardens on a pore. The oil, known as sebum, undergoes oxidation, causing them to turn black in color.
To treat blackheads you do not want to try and squeeze them. One: because it will not work. Two: because you will be pushing bacteria back into your skin. Three: by treating the blackheads correctly, they will not keep reoccurring.
As always, you must wash your face regularly so you do not allow extra oils to build up in the skin. If you do not allow the sebum to undergo oxidation, then the blackhead will not form. Before trying to get rid of your blackheads, always wash your face and then use an exfoliate to get rid of your dead skin.
It is easiest to do this process in a hot shower because the steam will open your pores and allow them to be easier cleaned. Once you have your pores cleaned and open, then you are ready for the treatment for your blackheads.
There are many treatments, but most people will use either over the counter peels (which with my experience does not work very well unless you have extreme blackheads) or ear wax remover.
When you apply the ear wax remover, simply let it sit on your blackheads for a few minutes. Then you just wash it away with warm water. This will remove the cap of the black head and you will see little yellow strings in your pores. This ensures that your natural oil flow is back to normal, and you can say bye-bye to your blackheads!
If you do not have ear wax remover on hand, you can still simply squeeze your blackheads. Use two small pieces of tissue paper, so that you do not infect your skin further. Then simply squeeze outwards with your fingers. Do not apply a lot of pressure; it should come out voluntarily if your pores are open. You should be able to push the root of the blackhead out, and you can tell you have done this because the root is darker and thicker than the head.
Once the blackhead is removed, you must clean the remaining bacteria away to prevent them from reforming. Use a cotton ball to apply one to two drops of benzyl peroxide on your face. This will kill all the bacteria. Then after five minutes of the medication on your face, you must close your pores. This is important to prevent dirt and bacteria from getting into your pores, causing all kinds of acne. You can close your pores by rinsing your face very well with COLD water.
There is no way to clear your blackheads completely if they are truly stubborn. While you may get a few, there may be a substantial amount left on your face. If this occurs, you can simply keep doing this remedy for five to seven days straight. Do not continue to do this if irritation is occurring, your face is very sensitive, so you may need to give it a few days off.