By all means if you want to lower the cholesterol then it is not recommendable to eat a plate of potato chips. We already know that the diet plays the most important roll in lowering the cholesterol from your body. For that reason we discover four foods that will lower your cholesterol and will protect your heart.
In the first place the oats flour consumption is very recommendable since it reduces the “bad cholesterol”. We need to take fiber soluble which can find in foods like apples, pears, plums you pass or barley. The soluble fibers reduce the cholesterol absorption in your internal. It tries to increase the amount of this food, you can adhere it to the fruits as bananas and will be adding more fibers.
Nuts, almonds and other types of dry fruits do not have lower cholesterol. Different studies have shown that the nuts significantly reduce the cholesterol level in the blood. The dry almonds and other fruits produce similar effects in our organism.
The fish has a high level Omega-3 which helps to maintain blood pressure resulting healthy heart. Therefore the doctors recommend consuming fish at least twice per week. The sardines, the tuna and the salmon are some of the fish that have the highest levels of Omega-3. If you want to maintain their properties, then avoid keeping them in cold place.
The olive oil also is very important within a diet to lower the cholesterol since it contains a powerful antioxidant mixture that can reduce your “bad cholesterol”. It is recommended to consume 2 spoonfuls of olive oil per the day to take advantage of all benefits. These will be still majors if you consume virgin extra olive oil. This it contains a greater amount of antioxidants.