Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Natural remedies for deafness?

Deafness is a very limiting for the person who suffers from what ever is worth trying a cure or improvement with natural remedies.
Deafness has several causes such as congenital disease or age, in some cases; it is mild and temporary and can be treated with natural remedies.
Deafness is defined as the inability or difficulty in listening, i.e. a loss or atrophy of the five senses, one of the references to understand our immediate reality.

• Ginkgo Bilobate: One of the herbal remedies for hearing loss because it facilitates the circulation and cerebral oxygenation which has many antioxidants. While taking dose of 60 to 240 mg daily, it is possible that brain can, in some cases, improve deafness.
• The garlic mash: Mixed drops of garlic juice with almond juice and put a drop in the ear. This mixture consists of antibiotic and antibacterial agents that help to remove deafness.
• The Onion: It improves the blood circulation inside the ear structure. Please macerate 300 g. onions for 12 hours in a liter of water and take three glasses a day. This onion juice is good for slowing the loss of hearing by introducing two or three drops in the ear also.
• Bay leaves: Take handful quantity of bay leaves for a liter of water and boil for 3 to 5 minutes, allow them to stand until cool. Then take 3 to 4 cups per day.