Thursday, December 24, 2009

Purifying diet with juices of fruits

This purifying diet it you can put it in practice after Christmas to clean to your stomach of the excess of food and drink of these celebrations.
A day you only must make this diet, not more. You follow if it exactly you will manage to eliminate toxins of your body of simple and healthful form. And in addition, delicious, since one is based on taking juices from fresh fruits.
The indicated infusions must be taken without sugar or with sweetener, and the meals are seasoned of minimum form.
Menu of the purifier
In uninformed: 1 lemon juice glass and grapefruit.
Breakfast: 1 integral bread infusion, 1 toast or 1 yogurt skimmed boy and 1 glass of juice of kiwi or peach tree.
Mid-morning: 1 pear juice juice glass.
Lunch: 1 supreme of chicken or fillet of hake and 1 mandarin juice glass.
Average afternoon: 1 apple juice glass.
Tea: 1 integral bread infusion, 1 toast or 1 yogurt skimmed boy and 1 glass of juice of watermelon or melon.
Dinner: 1 deep plate of soup of vegetables or mixed salad and 1 plum juice glass.
Before acostarte: 1 glass of juice of lemon and orange.
