Friday, December 18, 2009

Childhood obesity: Is it a matter of genes?

Childhood obesity is a problem in many societies, and because of the junk food culture and sedentary lifestyles, levels associated with it do not cease to grow, with examples of countries like the UK, where one in four children is obese.
However, the reason for the problem seem to be entirely accurate, for while the preliminary trend leads us to believe that this is a problem of over-feeding, a recent survey of the University of Cambridge has shown that childhood obesity has some of its roots in the genes.
Dr. Sadaf Farooqi, a researcher at that institution, warned that children obese have all certain variants in some genes, properly and exclusively to the condition of obesity. "This study shows," says Farooqi-oves that is a severe medical problem that requires scientific investigation. "
The conclusion of this study lends itself to think seriously, because many of the campaigns against childhood obesity suggest solutions focus on feeding behavior, rate or physical activity.
Of course, factors such as diet and exercise play a central role when it comes to reducing obesity, however, that it is a question genetic invites new proposals of hypotheses and research.
