Those were the American Indians that realized that not only was a species of honey, but had extraordinary qualities they used, it for the long long walks of hunting which they had to do, without hardly eating nothing, resisted with force and vigor, they even saw that it had curative properties and thus it became sirope of maple and palm.
This sweet product arrives to us from North America or of Canada and it is possible to be obtained in herbolarios and stores of dietetic, usually it appears in means tins and a liter. She is very nutritious and energetics, very rich in Calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium, magnesium and contributes Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and, A.
The benefits are many, although the basic ones are of clean cleaning and purifies the organism. It standardizes the cholesterol, arterial tension. It improves the mental and physical health. Although commas never you feel weak or fallen of spirits.
This sap is 100% biological without additives nor preservatives or chemical agents. To realise this diet contribute in addition a control to us on our habits with a great prize, to lower of weight and to raise in health.
The elaboration is very simple, and sale. You can mix in liter and average of water a 10-12 spoonfuls of sirope, adding lemons and one to him cayena, in fact is lemonade sweetened with this sirope, is of a color similar to I fry to you. According to the tastes of each you can strain, it so that you do not have left the pulp of the lemon. You can consult with your doctor.
The diet you can form and administer to you as your you want or you can. It is possible that the first time is to you difficult not to eat anything, the secret is to try that they are the greater amount of days are to ingest solid foods, but you will see that you take once it you will not be hungry. The recommendation are 7 days followed with the fasting, you will notice immediately that loose toxins, the body begins to loosen what it exceeds to him, fats that do not serve to us.
For who cannot support without eating, you can make during the day the diet of the liquid and in the evening or at noon eat something, the ideal vegetal crude or boiled. It gives result and you will feel phenomenal, you can lose of 5 to 10 Kilos, you do according to it, you can rest days but eating little and vegetal.
The most important data that you cannot forget, you must drink more than 2 liters of mineral water to the day. You will see that immediately you feel with energy, will desire to you to walk or something something of sport and you will see as it contributes to you, health, beauty, harmony and security in same you. You will use clothes that you had forgotten and you will be in fashion. You obtain if it you will congratulate yourself with complete certainty, you will realize that you have saved gaining much in health. You will already tell us how it was to you the diet of Sirope de Arce.