Friday, September 16, 2011

Scabies Treatment Options

Scabies Treatment Options: The goal for treating scabies is to kill the mites and treat anyone who has been in close proximity to the person infected, as well as to prevent scabies from reoccurring

Medical Treatment

Many dermatologists prescribe lotions or creams for scabies. These include peremethrin, lindane and sulfur. If your doctor prescribes a medicinal treatment for scabies, be sure to follow directions explicitly. The lotion should be applied from head to toe with a clean cloth and left on the skin for eight hours A shower should then be taken to wash the lotion off. Seven days later, a second application is necessary and should be applied following the same directions as described above.

Any person who contacts Norwegian scabies or who has HIV should be prescribed ivermectin, which is an oral medication.


If you or someone in your family has been infected with scabies, be sure to wash all bedding clothes and towels in hot water. Dry in the clothes dryer to kill mites. It isn't necessary to treat coats, floors, furniture or carpeting and rugs.

Treatment of Family Members

If you or someone that lives in the same household have been infected with scabies, you should be certain everyone is treated for scabies collectively. Sexual partners will also need treatment. This will prevent further infestation.


All prescribed treatments for scabies are highly successful. However, itching can continue for up to three weeks This doesn't mean the scabies are still present. To sooth itching take over-the-counter antihistamines and gently rub on calamine lotion. Another option is to take a colloidal oatmeal bath.

Home Remedies

There are no proven home remedies for scabies, although all-natural Dermisil is an effective alternative treatment. Scabie Nodules

Nodules are often found on the penis and scrotum. These should disappear within 14 days. If not, see a health care professional who can inject them with steroids


Successful treatment of a scabies infestation doesn't make a person immune. A new infestation takes four to six weeks to appear. A re-infestation will occur within a week.