Parts of adolescent's body are crammed with a waxed stuff identified as cholesterol. It helps to supply vitamin D, cell surfaces and certain hormones. Blood cholesterol comes from 2 different sources, liver in the body and food. The adolescent's liver produces enough cholesterol to perform correct working. The blood acts as the carrier of cholesterol and transports it to different parts of the body. They are transported in round particle form known as lipoproteins.
There are 2 kinds of lipoproteins called the low density lipoproteins or LDL and high density lipoproteins or HDL. Low density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol is generally called bad cholesterol. It provides help in the building up of plaque in arteries and this condition is commonly known as atherosclerosis. The LDL level must be low in the blood and if it is high it has to be reduced. Healthy weight must be maintained and exercise should be done frequently. Food items which have high contents of calories, diet cholesterol and saturated fat must be evaded.
High density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol is the good cholesterol. It is really a sort of fat in blood which helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body and stops the building up of plaque in the arteries. The more the HDL cholesterol in the blood the better it is. The HDL can be raised by at least 20 mins of exercising daily, decreasing body mass and keeping away from food with saturated fat. Some teens need to take medicines so as to increase HDL. In such cases, inflating HDL could be a complex process and the consultant can make a healing plan to extend HDL in the blood stream.