Friday, February 26, 2010

Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Hair Loss After Pregnancy alopecia after carrying a child is rather common, but can be really disconcerting, particularly to a first time mother.

This ranks high on the "what they do not tell you about pregnancy and childbirth" list that all mums find out about after the fact! The condition is medically named telogen effluvium and happens due to hormone fluctuation following birth. When pregnant some hair is pushed from its resting phase into a growing phase, and after birth this hair then falls out causing extraordinary alopecia after pregnancy in some cases. Although it is not uncommon, baldness after the birth is awfully exasperating. Typically occurring between 6-12 weeks after birth, hair can come out in clumps. Following a shower was the worst time for me. Having very thick hair didn't help my battle with alopecia after carrying a child, and I was pulling my hair out in handfuls all day each day for roughly two months.

In a few cases the alopecia can last as long as a 6 month period, so don't quit if yours is lasting longer than some weeks! Sadly , there is not any remedy for alopecia after carrying a child.

Unlike standard alopecia, not one of the supposed beneficial products will work on your hair, either. Like pregnancy, you will simply have to stick it our for a couple of months and then it's going to be over! Fortunately, the alopecia after carrying a child is mostly not long-lasting and it'll regrow. in a few cases bald spots are left at the back that never fully recover. This is in general not true and your hair will return to its common state inside a few months, if not earlier. Meanwhile, you can continue to color and cut your hair as you routinely would. These processes won't affect the alopecia in any fashion. If your alopecia after being pregnant is severe, you may wish to check with your GP. Hypothyroidism can be ordinarily diagnosed post partum and baldness is a symptom that runs rampant among ladies.

As well as alopecia, other symptoms may include fatigue, incapability to lose weight, hoarseness, depression and weight gain. Again, these symptoms are quite not unusual among girls that are inside months of just having a kid, so that the baldness after carrying a child is most probably going to caused just by the pregnancy itself. if you're anxious contact your doctor to express your questions and most likely have some tests run to put your mind at ease.